This is Hana


Hana was and is a beautiful soul. Her memory will forever be in my heart, and others, for the kind and generous, loving person she was while here on Earth. Even though she struggled she was still humble and helped those in need, even beyond what she was capable. And in the midst of that, she was hurt many times but still she loved because she knew no different. To live without love is not to live. Nobody can hurt her now. She is free.



I called her “Puddin’ Puff”…

What is the meaning behind her nickname puddin’ puff…and as her mom I can say I have no idea. But she loved it and I loved it. And still do.


Hana’s smile was unparalleled to anything I have seen in my life here on Earth. That smile…even through the years that tore it down it still existed (exist). For one can never take away something so beautiful. Thank you Hana.

How much can we learn from those who suffer yet smile and help others when they hurt so much themselves. This was and is Hana, my beautiful daughter
who I am blessed to have been her Mom.



Pain is not easy. It changes you from the inside-out forever having an impact on the familiar landscape you once knew.

Nobody should suffer alone.
We are all human and should help each other with our struggles.
Most importantly, in a nonjudgmental way. As humans we are easy to forget this one simple thing but should always remember — someone else is going through a painful experience that you have no idea of.

The journey of life faces many struggles. Why should we struggle alone?

I’m sorry you struggled puddin’ puff.