Hana’s Expressions


Hana did not hold back how she felt. Whether verbally expressing it or exposing her feelings with tattoos, that was her way to deal with her journey.

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hana at the beach

Hana in Japanese Means Flower
(and nose as we know but we like flower better)

You loved flowers.



hana in her beauty

Only God Can Judge You

You expressed your life through your tattoos, some good, some not so good. But you were right. Only God can judge you.

Your Laughter

hana at the lake

That Laugh

You had a great sense of humor…very silly, even in your last days. I remember this day on a lake in Michigan.

Your Pain

another side

Discovering Another You

You began to call yourself “nana”…I never honored that. But I realize now it was a way to mask your pain.


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the artsy you

Pink Hair

You were never afraid to try a different hair color, style, makeup etc. You were fearless sweet child of mine.